

  • A gentle touch in passing.
  • Yummy smells wafting in from the kitchen.
  • Stopping to take in the exquisite beauty of a sunset.
  • Creating a silly song for a favorite pet.
  • The sound of a laugh.
  • The taste of chocolate.

It’s easy to overlook the small, sensory things that add so much texture and joy to life.

But these small things add up to big pleasure.

Pleasure is one of the areas you must strengthen to Love Your Way Slim.

If you are like many women, you may see pleasure as an indulgence.

You may believe the way to everything you want is to work hard and sacrifice so that you can give to others. You may put everyone else’s needs before your own.

Here are some signs that you may be doing this:

  • You feel guilty when you sit down to read a book for pleasure.
  • Getting your nails done or going to the spa is something you mark off on your to-do list—or you don’t do at all.
  • Taking a nap feels like an indulgence.
  • When you try to relax, all the things you should be doing flow through your mind.
  • You find yourself exhausted and have to crash for a day . . . or more.

What if, far from being frivolous, doing things just because you enjoy them is the key to abundance in all areas of your life?

Do you think this is farfetched?

Is there a part of you that believes you will receive what you want IF you can just give or work-hard . . . enough?

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but this is completely backwards.

Even a hint of this belief is what is keeping you from the body—or anything else—that you want.

Here is the Truth.

Life is supposed to be fun!

Play is important!

Tuning into pleasure is living life with joy and experiencing the delights of all your senses.

Think about the people who are making the most money.

How much of their time do they spend playing? And how many of them see their work as play? How many of them are “making” themselves do things they don’t enjoy?

Sure,” you may say. “They can do that because they have money.”

But what if that dedicated focus on pleasure is how they created the money in the first place?

Not only did they seek out pleasure . . . but they sought the pleasure in everything they were doing.

What if the key to releasing the weight for good is the exact same thing?

When you make pleasure a part of releasing weight:

  • You absorb all the satisfying sensory pleasure in the first few bites of cake, instead of mindlessly eating the whole piece.
  • You find ways to move your body that are fun and that you want to do.
  • You discover delicious and healthy foods that you want to eat instead of limiting yourself and feeling deprived.

You uncover the pleasure of releasing weight when you embrace that there is life and fun and joy in the weight-loss journey . . . not just the end result.

The secret is that you have to look for pleasure . . . seek it . . .  choose it . . . more often every day.

To increase the amount of pleasure in your life, make a list of 25 things that make your heart sing. Maybe it’s:

  • Taking a bubble bath
  • Walking in the woods
  • Taking a nap
  • Reading a book.
  • Snuggling with a pet or loved one.
  • Etc.

Then make a commitment to do at least one of those things a week. Do more if you can.

And don’t just do it to mark off your to-do list. Fully indulge in the pleasure of it. Let it fill your energetic cup.

Ultimately, your goal is to ensure that your cup is overflowing. That’s when there is abundance with which to joyfully and pleasurably give to others. That is when you will uncover the pleasure of releasing weight.

Together we can do it!