love yourself for who you are now


When someone gives you a compliment, do you:

  • Explain why you don’t deserve it?
  • Describe why it’s a fluke?
  • Discount the value of it?
  • Say “thank you,” but feel uncomfortable?
  • Appreciate that they noticed, feel your worthiness, and bask in the positive remark?

If it was anything but the last one, you’re basically saying “No” to all the good things that Source is trying to bring into your life; whether it is a moment of exquisite beauty, a compliment from your partner, or the perfect functioning of your body.

Too often, women are so focused on doing for others that they have a hard time receiving.

Receiving is critical to getting the body you want.

In receiving these gifts of life, you confirm your connection to the Universe (God, All-That-Is, Creator—whatever works for you), which are affirmations of how much you are loved and adored, are the answers to the questions you have been asking, and provide the clarity and inspiration that you seek.

In addition to compliments, gifts from the Universe come in those moments of synchronicity, coincidence, happenstance, miracle, chance, luck.

These gifts come in the spontaneous moments of sheer beauty that only you are around to enjoy.

They come in the inspiration to reach for an apple instead of a cookie, or in the joy of moving your body.

The Universe is supporting your desire for a slim and healthy body, but you have to be open to receiving this support.

Emmet Fox said the word “salvation” in the Bible means “perfect health, harmony, and freedom.” He also said that this was “the will of God” for women to have these things.

These kinds of moments are gifts from All-That-Is. And the Universe WANTS you to have them.

Chances are you are missing the majority of those gifts.

How you receive the gifts in everyday life is how you receive everything—including that slim, healthy, and sexy body that you want.

You may dismiss these gifts as your imagination, second guess them, or ignore them altogether.

Oh, you don’t do it intentionally.

It just means you focus more on what you DON’T want rather than on what you DO want.

Just a little bit of attention on what you DON’T want has a huge impact on how you experience your life.

For example, have you ever walked around with a tiny pebble in your shoe?

Even if you were in the most beautiful spot on the planet with exquisite views, fragrant flowers in bloom, and lovely meandering paths, how long were you able to keep going before that pebble had your full attention?

While you had the stone in your shoe, how much did you focus on the beauty of the day and path, or was all of your attention on the discomfort?

How much beauty did you miss being even a little focused on the stone?

Much like that stone in your shoe, even small things that create negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs distract you from the life you are creating, the joy and opportunities that abound, and the love that surrounds you.

The problem is, as we grew up we were told to “suck it up” and get used to the stones.

We were told that negative emotions are “normal,” or worse “shouldn’t be felt,” and that “others are responsible for our happiness.”

Because we don’t address those negative stones immediately, we begin to ignore the discomfort.

The longer you walk around with emotional stones in your shoe, you begin to experience stress, dissatisfaction, feeling overwhelmed, angry, and even stuck.

The draining effects accumulate over time, which literally impacts your body down to the cellular level.

It is now common knowledge that stress impacts your health—and makes it easier to gain and harder to release excess weight.

It’s time to begin emptying your shoes of those stones.

You do this by:

  • Fully acknowledging how you feel.
  • Taking responsibility for what you focus on and think about.
  • Becoming more present, instead of focusing on the past or future.
  • Receiving and acknowledging all the gifts of life.

Today, look for, acknowledge, and appreciate those subtle but profound gifts from All-That-Is.

Begin to allow yourself to receive them.

Believe that you deserve them and that God WANTS you to have them.

Receiving all the gifts of life makes it easier to create the body you want.

Together we can do it!


To a special no-cost tele-seminar where I will reveal

  • 5 simple steps that you can take right away to begin breaking the “Diet Rules” and easily release the weight forever.

  • Some of the biggest mistakes I see women consistently make that keeps them stuck with extra pounds—and how to avoid them.

  • 3 essential mindset shifts you must immediately adopt to break free from dieting deprivation.

August 29, 8 p.m. USA Eastern

Capture How to Break the Diet Rules

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