
We’ve all heard of the mind, body, spirit, connection, but how much spiritual energy do you bring to your wellness goals?

Do you make the connection between optimal wellness and your sense of life purpose and meaning?

For most people, the answer is not so much. Wellness, to many, is just about diet and exercise.

This makes perfect sense, when you think about it. We can easily see the connection between doing physical things and the impact it has on our physical body. For example, the fewer calories you take in and the more calories you use typically results in a reduction in weight.

Only, for most women, it’s not that easy. There wouldn’t be millions spent on diets and workout gadgets if it were.

One of the reasons it is so challenging is that if you don’t feel a purpose in what you’re doing, or it’s not in some way connected to your values, you aren’t going to take much positive action. Without engaging spiritual energy, you may even take counter-action to sabotage yourself.

I’m sure no dieters out there can identify with having a hard time sticking to a food plan, or bingeing, or just plain giving up.

Tapping into your spiritual energy is about connecting what you are doing to create optimal wellness (diet and exercise) with Who you believe you are, and how your purpose, vision, goals, values, and desires affect it.

The more you integrate your inner beliefs and purpose with your actions, the more spiritual energy you will have to succeed.

One of the ways that I tap into spiritual energy is that I believe my body is a gift for which it is appropriate to be grateful.

While it is mine to create as I wish—and every creation is beautiful—I believe that enabling my body to function optimally fully allows me to express my authentic best and be more fully Who I am meant to be.

After all, how well can you serve or take care of others if you have no physical energy to give?

How well can you create the life of your dreams if you don’t feel physically well?

What personal values might you express or honor when you eat healthy foods and exercise?

Tapping into spiritual energy is powerful in helping you meet your wellness goals.

Together we can do it!