

Your thoughts are keeping you from getting the body you want.

I know that’s a bold statement.

The truth is, every action is preceded by a thought.

So if you are struggling with the actions of consistently eating healthy foods or moving your body, your thoughts are subtly sabotaging your actions—and you may not even be aware of it.

This is like having the parking brake on as you are drive to your destination.

It makes forward momentum hard.

It feels like there’s something wrong.

What may be going on is that you are accepting the negative messages from your inner critic . . . . as true.

And you feel bad.

It feels so bad because the part of you that loves and adores you (God, Source, Higher Self, All-That-Is—whatever works for you) knows that your self-criticism is completely and 100 % bogus.

It feels so bad because you are basically telling the Creator of All Things that She is wrong to love you.

Struggling with losing and regaining the same 30 pounds over and over again is often a sign that your inner critic has been given reign over your inner Queendom.

You are unknowingly giving your inner critic more power over this are of your life than All-That-Is.

Symptoms of this include:

  • Feeling body shame when you look in the mirror.
  • Being overly critical of specific body parts.
  • Wanting to hide under the covers when you have sex with your partner.
  • Feeling impatient when the weight doesn’t drop off instantly.

Stop right there!

These flimsy arguments offered up by your inner critic are NOT true.

Search your thoughts with the bright light of Truth.

This might look like:

  • Recognizing that your body is working hard to help you meet your goals. You didn’t get where you are overnight and it will take a little time to get where you want to go.
  • Focusing on a body part you can appreciate. (Yes, you do have many!)
  • Focusing on the love you are expressing with your body.
  • Having faith that your body is responding to your eating healthy and exercising. (Changes are coming!)

When you catch yourself feeling a negative emotion about achieving your weight-loss goals, use that as a cue to look at your thinking.

This is your Inner Personal Trainer giving you moment by moment direction on how you are unknowingly sabotaging your weight-loss efforts.

If you think it’s your inner critic talking, reason your way through its messages looking for the Truth.

What better feeling thought can you choose that supports you in achieving your goals?

Together we can do it!

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