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Have you ever lost weight, but after you met your goal you still felt fat?

When you looked in the mirror, did you still catalog all your physical flaws?

Did you notice new problems, like loose skin or a softer belly?

How quickly did you gain back the weight?

Our thoughts and feelings are much more powerful than most people understand.

If you feel fat, or focus primarily on what’s wrong with your body rather than what’s right, it’s almost impossible to lose the weight—and keep it off.

To truly be the slim, strong, and fit person you want to be, you have to feel slim, strong, and fit . . . at least most of the time.

Feeling slim is critical to being slim long-term.

And no amount of diet and exercise is going to alter your self-perception. That is a change that has to come from the inside out.

Most people see themselves through filters of self-criticism, limiting beliefs, assumptions about past experiences, and self-created interpretations or judgments about themselves, other people, or situations.

Those filters make it easier—or much, much harder—to follow through with the actions necessary to create the body you want.

Just think about how much easier is it to resist those chocolate chip cookies if you are feeling confident and excited about being slim, strong, and fit versus seeing yourself as fat and telling yourself that you’re never going to have a beautiful body no matter how hard you try?

What’s the point of resisting if you are never going to achieve your goal anyway?

So you eat the cookies. Maybe a lot of them.

But how can you go from seeing yourself as flawed and fat to feeling slim, strong, and fit?

It just feels like a big fat lie, right?

What is a new thought you can believe, that makes you feel a little better about yourself?

How about:

  • “I’m learning what I need to get slim, strong, and fit.”
  • “I’m consistently taking the action to get slimmer, stronger, and fitter.”
  • “Every day I am getting slimmer, stronger, and fitter.”

Find the new thought that you actually believe that helps make you feel closer to how you think being slim, strong, and fit will feel.

And then practice that.

Use it as a mantra before you work out, before each meal, before you go to bed, when you wake up in the morning, in the shower, on the way to work, on the way home, while doing the dishes, etc., etc.

What feels better? Beating yourself up for not being where you want to be, or practicing a new thought that is moving you towards your weight and wellness goals?

Isn’t that enough to make it worth trying?

Together we can do it!

Discover Your Slim IQ and find out exactly how you are sabotaging your ability to be slim and sexy. (And what to do about it!) 

Special Offer Ends July 31!