Do Something Your Future Self


Is there a part of you that believes you can either be slim OR happy?

This further translates into the belief that to do all the things you need to do to be slim you will have to:

  • Be hungry.
  • Feel deprived.
  • Miss out on good times with friends and family.
  • Always be rigid in your food choices.
  • Never miss a workout.

Is it any wonder that you can’t maintain your weight-loss efforts?

You can only be hungry, deprived, and too rigid for so long before a part of you seriously rebels.

It’s the part of you that knows life is supposed to be fun. That being healthy is supposed to add to your life, not detract from it. That you are meant to fully experience life, not just eat kale.

But just as you aren’t meant to make being healthy so rigid you can’t endure it, you also can’t be healthy if you face each meal like it’s your last and ignore your body’s need to move.

With everything that works in life, there is balance.

You are out of balance if you:

  • Only work and never play.
  • Make having sex your primary goal.
  • Have money as your only desire.

Work, sex, and money all add to our lives.

They become problems, however, when it is all or nothing.

The same is true in how you approach wellness.

It is not that either you are getting in X number of workouts a week and eating perfectly, or you are a sloth who is fat and lazy.

Creating optimal wellness is about persistence NOT perfection.

  • When you know that you will be able to eat any food that you want—just not as often as you may want—that feeling of all or nothing begins to ease.
  • The party you have on your schedule for this weekend will be much more fun after a week of eating clean in anticipation of the fun and treats you will have, rather than eating junk all week so the party food is less special.
  • The appreciation of an unplanned rest day is far more delicious when you consistently move your body.

Consistency begins with one step.

What 1 healthy thing can you do today that feels good? Do that again tomorrow.

When that feels comfortable, add another healthy action that feels good.

Consciously choose when you are going to enjoy a party, indulge in a treat, or feel the satisfaction of a rest day.

Then return to consistently making healthy choices.

Do this and you will discover how to be slim AND happy.

Together we can do it!

Discover Your Slim IQ and find out exactly how you are sabotaging your ability to be slim and sexy. (And what to do about it!) 

Special Offer Ends July 31!