Inside you

You may be in this cycle.

You feel bad, then overeat, then beat yourself up, then feel bad, then overeat . . .

Your self-judgment is part of a bigger pattern that is resulting in the struggle with your weight.

For instance, you may:

  • Get on the scale every morning and berate yourself because the number isn’t going down, or isn’t going down fast enough.
  • Look at yourself in the mirror and catalog the flaws.
  • Believe that your body is somehow flawed and it’s impossible for you to lose weight.

How well have these thoughts gotten you where you want to go?

What if breaking those patterns—and getting different results—begins with changing your underlying thoughts?

One way to do that is to pay attention to when self-judgment is surfacing and ask yourself, “What is the opportunity for me here?”

Perhaps the opportunity is to:

  • Learn to better care for yourself so you have more energy to give to others.
  • Figure out Who you really want to be, and move towards Being that person.
  • Make a different choice.
  • Start valuing yourself, Who you are, and the gifts you have for others.
  • Accept the less-than-perfect aspects of yourself and love yourself anyway.

Self-judgment is always a signal that there is an opportunity for you.

The key is to then stop the action, quiet your mind, and look for the answers deep within.

Most people don’t want to look because they are afraid of what they will see. They are afraid of their “shadow selves.”

Debbie Ford, the wonderful luminary who died on Sunday, said:

“We were born with a burning desire to evolve and grow, to open up, to expand and be whole. It is here that our shadow is waiting patiently for us to come retrieve our power from the dark recesses of our unconscious mind.

When we come face-to-face with the shadow, we soon realize that this part of ourselves is not trying to destroy us. Instead, the shadow self is trying to lead us back to wholeness.

Trying to eradicate darkness only by material means is to deal with it on the level of effect, but not cause. You can cut off a wart, but it will grow back unless its roots are burned out.”

Think about how this relates to your body. This is why only focusing on the action of diet and exercise without dealing with the underlying thoughts, feelings, and beliefs DOES NOT WORK!

It can be scary and hard to look, but when you do, you’ll find riches instead of persecution. You’ll find solutions, gifts, and a vastly different perspective.

You will discover why All-That-Is (God, Source, the Universe, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) loves and adores you. You will find your own self-worth.

Every experience and part of you has value, even the ones you judge to be “bad” or “negative.” The key is to look for the value—the opportunities—to learn, grow, make different choices, and love Who you are now—and Who you are becoming.

What can you do to begin to ask yourself, “What’s the gift in not being where I want to be?” How can you begin to change those patterns? How does that change your results?

Together we can do it!