I have spent the morning envisioning my future, and it is good.

This is part of an assignment for a workshop I am taking with my mentor coach, the fabulous Jennifer Barley. While I’ve done visioning exercises in the past that have been powerful, this time it feels even more profound and freeing. But I expect even this vision will expand and evolve as I do, because life is a continuous growing process.

Visioning is simple in that you are envisioning the life that you want to live. The challenge is that often people are unknowingly focused on what they don’t want. Anything that has “not” or “don’t” in front of it is focused on what you don’t want. For instance, “I don’t want to be fat” is still focused on fat. “I don’t want to be in debt” is still focused on debt.

What you’re really saying is that you want to be fit, strong, and lean. You want to be financially free.

Visioning can be words or images (think vision board)—whatever evokes the feeling you want your life to generate. The more fully you can paint this picture in your mind by incorporating all the physical senses, the more powerful it is.

Ultimately you want your vision to give your life direction and to inspire action. And when you take into account the Foundation Principle that “Energy Attracts Like Energy,” also known as the Law of Attraction, it makes sense to as clearly as possible put your focus on what you want.

Interestingly, what I did with this vision is actually get away from specific directives, such as “I want this amount of money by this date.” Instead I described the essence of what I want, which makes my goal feel much more believable. For instance, many of the women I work with have a hard time looking at themselves in the mirror and saying, “I am beautiful.” It just feels like a lie. They can’t allow themselves to feel or believe it. That internal struggle really isn’t helpful when you are trying to envision the life that you want to live. So anytime I felt even the hint of resistance in myself, I tweaked the wording until I could fully embrace it.

I also did sort of a combination vision statement and vision board by incorporating images alongside my vision statements that help me tap into the emotion and detail I want. Because many of the images are things I don’t have the authority to share over the internet, I can’t show you the finished piece, which is now printed out on ledger paper and posted on the wall in front of my computer. I also incorporated color and formatting that I’m not including here.

My intention with sharing my vision statement is to help you think about yours. How do you want your body, mind, spiritual connection, relationships, work, and any other element of life to be in the future? How can you connect with your vision on a daily basis? What kind of impact does that have on your life?

Together we can do it!

I Am Free to Be Me ♦ I Am in Love With Life ♦ I Am Joy ♦ I Am Love ♦ I Am Clarity

I Am Fun ♦ I Am Laughter ♦ I Am Inspiring ♦ I Am Powerful ♦ I Am Intention ♦ I Am Present

I Am Whole ♦ I Am Conscious ♦ I Am Authentic ♦ I Am Natural ♦ I Am Ease ♦ I Am Fulfilled

♦ I Am Appreciation ♦


My Spiritual connection is intentional, constant, and clear. I use my emotions to guide me to an ever-growing, richer, fuller, and more fulfilling life-experience. I am whole and in-tune with my Higher-Self. I am delighted and enchanted with my life as it is unfolding. More and more moments feel like sheer magic. I am Who I intend and I am in love with life. My heart overflows with appreciation.


I love and appreciate my strong, lean, and powerful body that is functioning optimally and fully allows me to express my authentic best. I naturally and intentionally gravitate to delicious, high-energy foods that I savor. I love moving my body with intention and intensity. I naturally give my body attention, care, and nourishment.


My mind is nourished, strong, and expanding. I naturally gravitate to information, ideas, and even entertainment that enhances my knowledge, awareness, clarity, and consciousness. Learning is natural and fun.


My relationship is easy, loving, satisfying, and fun. Together we are positive, dynamic, heart-centered, and living in the moment. We explore, engage- and connect-with, expand, and enjoy each other and life. We share on all levels—mind, body, and spirit. We give each other the freedom to fully explore and create our best selves. We listen with our whole hearts, often have moments where we laugh until we cry, and support each other unconditionally. We have open, loving, deep, and honest communication. Together we fully express our love physically—making love, a caress, a hug, holding hands, a touch in passing.

My animal and human family knows they are loved and adored. With them, I am present, heart-centered, and intuitive. We are connected and in-tune. We hear and acknowledge each other fully. We have fun together.


I am inspiring myself and more people than I ever imagined. My remembering and connecting-with Who-I-Truly-Am is a beacon guiding others towards their healthiest and Highest Selves, and their brightening lights serve to expand my own understanding and clarity, which continues to inspire myself and others. We share an ever-expanding circle of growth, clarity, connection, and inspiration. The energy and value that I share in my coaching and the words that I speak and write magnetically attracts an abundant income. I am financially free.


My home is a comfortable and elegant space where things feel loving and easy. It is filled with positive energy, sunlight, life, and colors that I love. I have space dedicated to my body, space dedicated to my mind, space dedicated to my career, space dedicated to my soul, and space dedicated to the people and animals I love. The beautiful view connects me to nature and to Source, and there are many comfortable and easy-to-be spaces indoors and out that help me enjoy that connection to the fullest. My home is filled with love, laughter, beauty, and joy.


I am having fun playing indoors and out. I am listening to music, watching fun, uplifting, and inspiring TV, movies, and plays, and am reading books that fill my heart with joy. I am hiking, biking, walking, picnicking and otherwise connecting with nature. I am traveling, exploring and loving this fun, interesting, vibrant, and exciting world. Wonderful anabolic friends are connected with everywhere I go and we enrich each other’s lives.

I Am Intentional ♦ I Am Constant ♦ I Am Clear

Photo by Witthaya Phonsawat / FreeDigitalPhotos.net