A friend of mine recently posted on Facebook a preview for the movie, HappyThankYouMorePlease.

While I have no idea if this movie is worth seeing, I love the title! It expresses the absolute best mindset for creating the life of your dreams.

  • Happy—True freedom comes when you realize your joy is totally within your control.
  • Thank You—Focusing on gratitude and appreciation generates positive anabolic energy that aligns you mind, body, and Spirit.
  • More Please—By asking for and focusing on more of what you do want in your life you are consciously tapping into the Foundation Principle that “Energy Attracts Like Energy,” also known as the Law of Attraction, and are literally drawing more of what you want into your future experience.

One of the cool things is that you can get to this mindset by tapping into any one piece, or by joining all three together.

For instance, you can decide to be happy regardless of what is going on in your life right now. If that doesn’t work for you, you can try to come up with as many things to appreciate as you can and stay as long as possible in that feeling. Or you can just focus on those things that you want more of—more Spiritual connection, more love, more wellness, more inspiration, more abundance, more fun.

And when you put all three together, watch out! That incredible feeling is letting you know that you are generating anabolic energy that is building your body at the cellular level, is attracting more of what you want into your life, and is connecting you in a profound way to Source Energy (God, the Universe, All-That-Is, Higher Coach, whatever works for you.)

What can you do today to cultivate the mindset, Happy, Thank you, More Please? What can you do to stay as long as possible in that feeling? How does this change your perspective, and life?

Together we can do it!

Photo by imagerymajestic / FreeDigitalPhotos.net