Spirit Mind Body


You know what to do.

You know enough about diet and exercise that you could probably teach a class. You know HOW to lose weight.

But you just can’t keep it off.

  • Maybe you’re exercising hard and feeling like you are doing everything “right,” but you’re still struggling with your weight.
  • Maybe life events get in the way. You get sick, or there’s a work or family emergency. No matter how much you want to eat right and work out, you just don’t have the time or energy to keep it going.
  • Maybe you go in spurts where you work out intensely for several weeks or a month, and then all the momentum seems to drain away. You eat something that is “bad” for you and all the things you know you need to be doing slip away.

For whatever reason, the weight packs back on.

You are faced with the private shame of your clothes not fitting. You hate how you look every morning as you get dressed. You avoid doing things you really want, like enrolling in that dance class, or even taking that long-awaited beach vacation.

It gets harder and harder each time you have to restart your diet and exercise program.

And you are beating yourself up.

There’s a part of you that feels like you aren’t good enough. Or you believe that there is something terribly wrong with you or your body. Or that you are too old, or lazy, or somehow don’t deserve the slim and healthy body you want.

But you keep trying. You desperately want to lose weight.

What if I told you it’s not your fault? What if I told you that you have more willpower and determination than almost everyone on the planet? What if you aren’t getting the results you want because you focusing on 20 percent of the weight-loss equation, and nobody has ever shown you what’s missing?

Your own results are showing you that what you are doing isn’t working.

  • Are you willing to do it differently?
  • Are you willing to exercise your mind to get the body you want?
  • Are you willing to change how you think about yourself, what you are doing, what you are capable of, and what you deserve?
  • Are you willing to harness the power of the Universe to support your weight-loss efforts?
  • Are you willing to break through the blocks that have literally been weighing you down?

You have to decide.

This is really the key to getting the physical changes you want.

You have to decide to go after the body you want. You have to decide to do it differently. You have to decide to allow yourself to receive and be the new you.

That firm decision is key to your transformation.

And it requires a leap of faith.

You don’t yet know how you will get there. You have lots of evidence of what’s not worked in the past. You have been giving your Gremlin—that inner critic that tells you that you aren’t good enough—free reign to talk trash to you.

There is a part of you that believes you are less than Who you really are.

Only you can take that leap.

But here are some things you can do to bolster your desire and courage.

  • Make a list of WHY you want to release the weight. Go beyond looking good in a pair of jeans or a swimsuit. How would it change your life? Your relationships? How would it make you feel? Only add things to this list that feel inspiring and uplifting. If it feels undo-able or out of reach, take it off.
  • Create a vision of you living the life you would live at your optimal weight and wellness. What would you be doing differently? How would you look? What clothes would you wear? How would you feel? Again, pay attention to how it feels. Anything that brings you down or feels out of reach shouldn’t be in this picture.

When you get really clear on your Why and Vision, ask yourself, “One a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being absolutely), how ready are you to take the necessary steps to make that vision a reality?”

When your answer is a full-out “10!,” you will be on your way to getting the body you want.

Regardless of your answer, read your Why and Vision every day. That will help you build the internal energy so that when you do answer “10!” the path forward will be crystal clear.

Together we can do it!

Have You Decided to Get the Body You Want?

Are you ready to create a body and lifestyle you love? To successfully get to—and easily maintain—your optimal weight? To enjoy eating all the foods you love, and be healthier and more vibrant than ever before?

Do you want to wake up knowing you are at your physical and emotional best? To know your body is fit and capable of taking on every goal you’ve set for yourself? To be tapped into Universal forces so that your fitness and overall wellness feels guaranteed?

I have a few sessions left to talk with women seriously interested in creating they body they want in 2013. Email me today to schedule your breakthrough session. Hanna@LoveYourWaySlim.com