If you are like most women who struggle with their weight, you would like to wave a magic wand and have the body of your dreams just appear.

You may also believe that aging is something that “just happens” to you and that ending up frail and ill is inevitable.

You may not like hearing this, but both of these beliefs have you placed squarely in “victim mode.”

Now I know you could probably point to all kinds of “evidence” of somebody you know being a health nut and dropping dead, or people you care about who ended up with an undeserved illness.

Yes, unfortunate things happen.

But most often you are focused on the worst case scenarios rather than the successes.

You probably also know a grandmother who still runs races or swims, and women who are careful about what they eat—and think!—and look half their age.

What makes you accept that the “worst case” is inevitable for you?

“Well,” you might say, “more people seem to get sick as they age.” Or those people who are thriving “just have good genes,” etc.

 What if there seem like more examples of illness because you are focused on them?

What if the majority of people who are sick now saw other people get sick as they aged, and just accepted that as their future?

What if the belief that this is your inevitable future leads to choices that will result in that future?

What if you have way more control over how well you age than you currently believe?

Yes, there is the risk that you could regularly choose healthy foods and move your body every day—and still have issues as you age.

But the chances that you will live a vibrant, long, and healthy life increase dramatically.

Think about it like money. You may choose to invest your money in what the majority of people tell you is a smart stock option, but there’s still risk that you could end up losing money. But you make the decision to invest for retirement anyway, right?

The decisions you make today are investments in your future. Are you choosing to create a healthy, slim, and strong body—now and as you age—or not?

Letting go of the need for a magic wand to get the body you want and embracing the fact that the decisions you make today matter—for your current and future body—begin to pull you out of “victim mode.”

That chocolate cake is not happening to you. You are choosing to eat it.

And there is nothing “wrong” with eating it.

But ask yourself the question, “Is eating this cake right now helping me move toward the body—now and in the future—that I want?”

Making a conscious choice empowers you. It enables you to become the creator or your life.

What can you do to begin making the decisions to move towards the body you want today? What impact will those decisions have on your body tomorrow?

Together we can do it!