As we were getting ready for bed last night, my husband David shared an unexpected experience he’d had in the dentist’s chair that afternoon. While the doctor was busy in his mouth, there was a TV screen for him to watch, but with the sound turned off.

The program was the Ellen DeGeneres Show and he watched as Ellen gave a young single mother a stack of cash tied in a bow, and a new car that had yet another stack of bills stashed in the glove compartment.

Even with no sound and no idea of the woman’s story, David was moved watching this demonstration of generosity, and we both marveled at how much fun it would be to give so abundantly.

As I contemplated giving before drifting off to sleep, I realized that whether we know it or not, each of us is giving all day, every day, in ways that are more profound than the gift of money, things, or even our time.

You are the gift. And how you show up in life is the gift you are giving. The question is, are you giving the gift you intend?

Imagine being in line to check out at the grocery store. There are people in front of you and behind you. Are you giving them the gift of impatience and frustration, which is emanating out of you at a frequency that can be measured, or are you perhaps giving them contentment or peace?

What do you want to give?

How about when you get to the checkout person? Are you giving that person the gift of a smile and appreciation, or gruffness and criticism, or perhaps even indifference?

How do you think what you are giving makes that checkout person feel? What gift do you think they are giving in turn?

We are not islands stewing in our own emotion. What we are feeling and expressing is what we are giving to everyone we encounter—and to the world.

What are you giving most of the time? Is that what you want to be giving?

If not, how can you begin to shift your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to better align with Who you want to be?

How would it feel to be able to give the gift of a smile, pat on the back, praise, or just emanate appreciation and joy right now?

Together we can do it!

Photo by akeeris /