Wellness Tip of the Day

Wellness Tip of the Day: Do you focus more on what you want or what you don’t? What you like or hate? What you judge good or bad? That’s what you are getting more of.    

Thank You!

Congratulations to Paul Heathman who won the $10 Barnes and Noble gift certificate that I gave away in appreciation of the people who filled out my rebranding survey. Thank you to all of you who took the time and energy to fill it out!

Your Opinion Wanted!

I’d love your opinion! I’m in the process of rebranding Goss Coaching and would like to know what you think are my strongest, outstanding qualities. Whether you know me professionally or personally, please take a few minutes (about three) to choose a minimum of 5 or a maximum of 10 attributes that you feel best describe me. All answers are confidential. Click on the “Take the Survey Now!” link to complete the survey. Thank you! I appreciate your time and input! Take the Survey Now! To show my appreciation to those of you who filled out the survey by Friday, May 25, 2012, I am giving away a $10 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble. Either comment below or message me to let me know you completed the survey and I’ll put your name in the drawing!

True law of attraction story: “Everything fell into place”

Check out my true story on Molly Player’s great blog “Stories and Truth”

What’s There to Celebrate?

It was almost exactly a year ago that I decided to become a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and began exploring what that commitment would look like. I selected the most rigorous and challenging program I could find (a minimum of 9 months and 350 hours) and set out to achieve that goal. Yesterday I received notice from the Institute for Profession Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) that I had passed my oral exam and am now a CPC. As I look back, it has been an incredible year of personal and professional development that was more challenging and rewarding than I could have imagined. The release and satisfaction that I feel at having successfully achieved this goal is awesome! So while I still have a week’s worth of intense work to complete my second certification as an Energy Leadership Assessment Index-Master Practitioner, I am giving myself permission this weekend to relax and enjoy my success. And I encourage you to do the same. Give yourself permission to relax, smile, laugh, and enjoy this weekend—and your life. Celebrate your success, whatever that may be. Pay attention to the connection between lightening up emotionally and physically. Together we can do it!

Guest Blog–It’s An Inside Job….

I invited my coach and mentor, Jennifer Barley, to guest blog while I’m away at coach training. So often we look to the outer things in life to fix our issues. If we have financial challenges, we look to change jobs to make more money. If we have weight issues, we join a gym. If we have relationship woes, we want to change the other person. All of these efforts are about searching outside of ourselves for the solution under the guise of being happy. Happiness is an inside job. No amount of money, no number on the scale, and no other person will bring you true happiness. Sure, those things can make life more comfortable, they could help us reduce the negative self talk, and they can bring a sense of familiarity. However if one is truly happy then they experience things that come from the inside–peace, love, and clarity–regardless of how much money is in the bank, how our pants fit and who is in our life. If we always do what we’ve always done, we will always get what we’ve always gotten. This is not about doing — it is about our being. In order to find happiness, we have to be willing to start exploring our thoughts, feelings and actions around our challenges. That begins with our core of “Who” we are. We all have beliefs, values, core thoughts, assumptions, and interpretations that play into our view of the world. Those beliefs can enhance our world, or detract from our world. How do your beliefs serve you? Do they keep you safe and small? Do they protect you from disappointment? Do they protect you from vulnerability? Do they allow you to […]

By |March 31st, 2012|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Are You Focused on Success?

While I’m away at coach training, I’m re-running a few of my favorite blogs that you may have missed. While it may seem counter-intuitive, accepting where and the way you are is one of the fastest ways to accomplish your goals. It may feel like letting go of the struggle and the discomfort of where you are will leave you content with a situation or condition you really want to change. If you accept it and make peace with it, how will you ever find the motivation to move forward? Letting go of the fight, self-criticism, and the desire to have the end result right now releases the pent-up catabolic energy that is truly holding you in your current condition. When you relinquish control of the uncontrollable, you allow All-That-Is (God, Source Energy, the Universe, Higher Coach—whatever works for you) to step in and orchestrate the situation, scenarios, and support that you need to get where you want to go. This is especially true with losing weight. There can be a lot of fear around accepting your current body weight, shape, and condition. Calories count, right, so won’t you just go and eat everything in sight if you accept where you are? Without that desperate desire to change, where’s the motivation to get up in the morning to work out? Doesn’t losing weight require constant control and discipline, and you’re a slacker if you slip up? This is the dichotomy that we all face. Is the carrot or stick more effective? Does positive reinforcement or punishment create lasting change? Is fear or appreciation more powerful? Easing up on yourself can seem weak, but truly putting down the verbal lash, focusing on the reasons you want […]

Five Tips for Feeling Great about Bathing-Suit Season

I’m starting to see a lot of bathing suit advertisements. This used to be a terrible reminder that my body wasn’t where I wanted it to be. The Internet soothed some of the agony of actual bathing suit-shopping. It’s much less painful trying on those innocent-looking torture devices in the privacy of your own home, but your morale can still take a hit. (Is anyone else amazed that such small pieces of material require such contortion to maneuver in and out of?) While I am much, much kinder and more appreciative of my body then I used to be, I still catch myself judging specific body parts, and feeling insecure in any swimsuit that doesn’t have shorts or a skirt to camouflage trouble spots. In our action-oriented society, people often just focus on diet and exercise to get bathing-suit ready. The problem is, unless we shift the underlying thoughts, emotions, and beliefs at the same time, you will probably struggle to meet your goals—and most likely won’t be able to maintain them. When you take into consideration the Foundation Principle that “Energy Attracts Like Energy,” also known as the Law of Attraction, focusing on illness, being out of shape, and hating our bodies is actually taking us in the opposite direction of where we want to go. Not only will shifting your negative thoughts enough to attain a feeling of relief turbo-charge your wellness actions, it enables you to feel better right now. And the better you feel about yourself, the better you look—and the more fun you allow yourself to have. That in turn boosts your ability and desire to stick to your plan to eat healthy and move your body, and the next […]

Five Tips for Practicing Appreciation

If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it’s the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That’s all you’d need. — Abraham I’ve had a number of clients recently who wanted to start meditating, but didn’t know where to begin. They know they want the benefits of clearing their mind, tapping into pure anabolic energy, and connecting with All-That-Is (God, the Universe, Source, Higher Coach—whatever works for you), but they struggle with their thoughts, finding the time, and having a peaceful moment to call their own. What if you could get all the benefits of meditation, but you could practice it anywhere? What if you could get so good at it that you could do it standing in line at the grocery store, waiting for your dentist appointment or cable repairman, taking a shower, or traveling on an airplane? And what if practicing it could literally help you create the life of your dreams? What if all that you had to do was practice appreciation? While many people think that gratitude and appreciation are the same thing, appreciation is actually higher on the anabolic energy scale. This is because gratitude often is still tied to the problem. For instance, you might be grateful for a really difficult week because it taught you that you could deal with challenging emotions. While that’s an awesome way to begin shifting the catabolic energy to more positive anabolic energy, it’s still tied to the negative event or situation. As I […]

Wellness Tip of the Day

Wellness Tip of the Day: Are you focusing on abundance or lack? Appreciating what you have or complaining about what you don’t? That’s what you are getting more of.    

By |March 12th, 2012|Uncategorized|6 Comments