My heart’s been singing this all day!

LaVern Baker – “Tweedly Dee” (1954)  

By |October 7th, 2011|Spirit|0 Comments

Celebrate the Signs!

Wellness Tip of the Weekend: Have faith in your ability to make the decisions that will create optimal health—and then follow through with them.  Every moment of every day we are creating our life. Each decision will either hold us in place or move us towards the person we want to become. If you want to be fit, strong, and lean, then consistently make the decisions that someone who is fit, strong, and lean would make.  Each successful decision, each pound lost–each tiny sign of progress–is like the scenery passing by on a car trip. It is the landmark on the map showing you that you are moving towards the person you want to be. Celebrate those signs, no matter how small! It means you are succeeding! Together we can do it!

By |September 3rd, 2011|Spirit|1 Comment