At 4:45 a.m. this morning, my husband David drove me to the hospital to get spade. We are to arrived at 5:30 a.m., with surgery to begin at 7:30 a.m.

Surgery was scheduled to last three hours and I will spend another hour in recovery. By lunch time, I should be settled in my room, where I will spend the next 20 hours or so. By Thursday morning, I will be heading home.

My goal today is to surrender to the process. To surrender and allow all the well-trained and skilled doctors and nurses do their jobs and see to my care. To surrender and allow Source (God, the Universe, All-That-Is—whatever works for you) to facilitate this experience on my behalf. And while I am surrendering, to consciously choose how I react and perceive what is happening.

Really, this is a wonderful opportunity to focus on success!

federico stevanin's portfolio is: know that surrendering and focusing on what I want will build positive momentum that will be like a tidal wave moving me towards my goal of optimal wellness

Where do you need to surrender control of the uncontrollable to better meet your goals?

Together we can do it!


Photo by federico stevanin