Look for examples


Do you believe that it is possible for you to get to and maintain your optimal weight?

Your answer will determine whether you can achieve it or not.

Beliefs are interesting—and powerful—things.

When they are in alignment with what you want, they can enable you to achieve things that others believe to be impossible.

When they are based on inaccurate thoughts about yourself, other people, situations, or events, they can block you as effectively as a brick wall.

Take running a four-minute mile as an example.

Lots of people do that regularly now, but in 1954 it was believed by doctors and scientists that running a four-minute mile was not only impossible, it was physically dangerous.

Roger Bannister saw those limitations as an opportunity, and on May 6, 1954, he crossed the finish line in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds.

Once he did it, others believed it, and less than two months later another runner broke his record.

Running a 4 minute mile is so common now that  just a few years ago, marathoner Patrick Makau averaged about 4 minutes, 43 seconds per mile, lowering the marathon world record by 21 seconds.

Your beliefs will either propel you forward . . . or can hold you back.

If you don’t believe achieving your optimal weight is possible, you may not even try to achieve it.

If you do try, you aren’t likely to give it your all. There will always be a part of you holding back.

It’s as if a part of you is sitting back saying, “OK, you prove that I can be successful and then I will believe it and then will fully commit.”

But you have to fully commit to be successful!

Not believing is like having the parking brake on and wondering why you are having a hard time getting up to full speed.

If you are struggling to release weight, chances are you have some beliefs that are getting in your way.

What do you do if you recognize that a part of you doesn’t believe you can reach your wellness goals?

Don’t panic! 

My favorite definition is the one offered by Abraham-Hicks, “A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.”

When you examine your beliefs and look at the thoughts behind them, you can often determine if those thoughts are helping you reach your goals . . . or not.

By shifting those limiting thoughts to ones that support you, you change your beliefs—and significantly improve the chances that you will achieve your wellness goals.

You will know you have shifted your beliefs by how you feel.

Negative emotions indicate your have some limiting beliefs going on.

If you are hopeful, you have shifted.

If you are eager, you are well on your way.

If you are excited, get out of the way, you can achieve anything!

If you answered “No” to the question at the beginning of this blog, look at the reasons why you believe that.

The key is to retrain your brain to believe you CAN reach and maintain your optimal weight.

Start by asking yourself some questions. And get real with yourself. The intent is to get out of your old BS (Belief Systems.)

  • Where did those thoughts come from?
  • What effect has that belief had on your weight in the past?
  • How accurate are those old beliefs?
  • Has anyone else in your situation ever had a different outcome?
  • Is that belief in alignment with creating the body you want?
  • How could you begin to shift your underlying thoughts to support you in creating the body of your dreams?

You’ve got to believe it to achieve it. Begin today to train your brain to believe.

Together we can do it!

I Want to Give You a Present!

It’s my birthday week and I’m giving the presents!

I am giving a FREE laser breakthrough coaching session to 5 women who register this week for my complimentary tele-seminar . . .

Capture How to Break the Diet Rules

Register now! http://loveyourwayslim.com/breakdietrules/

These powerful 50 minute coaching sessions will empower you to move forward in alignment with your wellness goals.

Register now if you are serious about getting the body you want.

I’ll select the 5 winners at the end of the day on Friday.