The Four Agreements


When I woke up this morning, my mind, body, and spirit said, “Treat me gently.”

So I’m showing myself self-love with rest and self-care.

It wasn’t too long ago that I wouldn’t have listened. I would have made myself get up and workout anyway.

There’s a fine line between knowing when to push past mental and physical resistance and when to ease up and give your body a needed break.

Here are some tips to help you figure out how to listen to your body and honor its messages.

  • How often do you give in? Are you regularly skipping treats and working out most of the time? Or do you scarf down every treat thinking it will be your last one and often blow off moving your body? It gets easier to tell when your body needs a little TLC when you are more consistent in your actions.
  • Take out the judgment—yours or anyone else’s. Just observe what’s going on with you. Skipping an occasional workout because it feels like what you need in the moment doesn’t mean you’re a slacker. When you take out the self-criticism, you can tell if there is a pattern of negative thought that needs to be shifted, or if this a positive step of self-care.
  • Listen to your body. How is your overall energy level? If taking a shower is exhausting, your body is screaming for rest. If you feel cruddy, but still have energy to get everything done, a gentle workout may actually help boost your immune system.
  • Regularly meditate. When you practice quieting your mind, the messages of your body become clearer. The key is to listen to them, and not ignore them like I did in the past.

You are the only one who truly knows what is best for you. Learning to listen to yourself and trust your judgment takes practice, but is an important part of loving your way slim.

Together we can do it!