The night before my surgery last week, I received a message from Sparky Laurie that she had nominated my blog for the Liebster Award.

Liebster is an award given to blogs that have less than 200 followers and deserve more recognition and encouragement. While I was thrilled—and immediately told Sparky Laurie so—it’s taken me a little time to pull together the requirements for this wonderful gift.

The Rules

Here are some guidelines in giving or receiving the award:

  1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
  2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
  3. Copy & Paste the award to your blog.
  4. Nominate 5 blogs to receive the award.
  5. Inform them of their nomination by leaving a comment on their blog.

Thank You

First off I want to thank Sparky Laurie at for nominating me for this award. It means so much to me! From the heart, thank you.

And I truly love her blog. Her gift is finding mystery in the mundane, and her writing shows we can never underestimate the power of the small things in life.

The Nominees

There are so many bloggers deserving of this award. Since I was recently fortunate enough to receive the Versatile Blogger Award, I’ve made the decision to nominate difference blog sites in order to spread the love.

These are all bloggers that I follow and read regularly, and who have touched and supported me. In no particular order of preference, I present to you the five bloggers (though I’m not sure if all of them have less than 200 followers ) who I believe deserve this recognition:

  1. Kewsmith, a wonderful writer who shares her journey as an empty nester with honesty and humor.
  2. Visionkeeper, who is trying to create a better world by inspiring individuals to make internal changes.
  3. Will Of Heart, who shares poems, short stories, and thoughts to inspire, and add color and spice to life.
  4. The Tale of My Heart, who shares light, love, and beauty through poems, music and writing.
  5. Iamforchange, a man tapped into the power of his heart who honestly shares his journey towards being his best self.

There are so many more I could have nominated. It was incredibly hard to limit this list to five. I hope you will take the time check out these blogs, and if you are looking for other wonderful blogs, please check out the people commenting on mine—and other’s—sites. You might find yourself surprised, inspired, motivated, and thoughtful as a result of what you read.

Now I’m off to inform the lucky winners.

Together we can do it!



Photo by m_bartosch /